Hydrosun Irradiator
The Hydrosun Irradiator reproduces the combination of the sun and the humid atmosphere.
Without producing ultraviolet rays, its emission lies in the deep penetrating area of infrared-A with wave-lengths from 0.78 to 1.4 micrometers.
The water-filtered infrared-Aradiation of the hydrosun® Irradiator allows a locoregion al heating of human tissue with a higher penetration depth than that of convention al infrared therapy.
The unique principle of operation involves the use of a hermetic ally sealed water filter in the radiation path to absorb those infrared wavelengths emitted by conventional infrared lamps which would otherwise harm the skin.
This absorption results of the activation of the OH-groups at 940, 1180, and 1380 nanometers.
Hence, with the higher radiation intensity, therapeutic heating of deeper tissue layers over longer periods of time can be achieved.
Since with the application of heat therapy in the area of physical medicine an improved blood circulation in deeper tissue layers is desirable to increase meta -bolism and to wash out metabolites.

Working mechanisms of WIRA water-filtered infrared-A
WIRA acts both by thermal effects as well as by non-thermal effects. The production of a therapeutically usable field of heat in tissue and the energy-related aspects derived from this belong to the thermal effects of WIRA.
As an effect related to the transfer of heat radiation energy to tissue WIRA produces a therapeutically usable field of heat in tissue by:
- Reaching capillaries of the skin by the infrared-A radiation (primary warming)
- Heat distribution by the blood (cooling of tissue areas near the surface of the skin, spreading of the eat into the depth)
- Increasing capillary blood-flow with expansion of the blood flow areas accessible to the radiation and by this augmenting the second mechanism
- Conduction of heat into the depth
- Secondary energy release by stimulation of metabolism (increase of metabolism) caused by the increase of temperature (in accordance with the reaction velocity temperature rule a 3°C higher temperature means approximately 30% more speed of reaction and by this more energy provision and release in the tissue)
- Relatively high primary depth effectiveness of WIRA.
Research showed that WIRA, apart from the temperature, considerably increases the oxygen partial pressure and the blood flow in tissue – two factors which are crucial for an improvement of wound healing as well as for infection defence. Remarkable pain relief could be observed.
Sports Medicine/ Orthopedics
- Myogeloses
- Strained shoulder/neck muscles, neck pain, shoulder stiffness
- Strained thoracic muscles
- Intervertebral disk problems, lumbago
- Subluxations, distortions (not acute)
- Slipped disks, tennis elbow
- Sacroiliac syndrome (blockage of the sacroiliac joints)
- Chronic, recurring sinus inflammations
- Eustachian tube/middle ear catarrh
Only with the special device “PhotoDyn 750”. Information upon request.
- Ulcus cruris, Problematic wounds
- Systemic sclerodermia
- Chronic skin ulcerations and disturbance of wound healing
- Skin lesions
- Therapy of warts (verrucae)
- Akne (Acne vulgaris)
- Photodynamic therapy of actinic keratoses and basal cell carcinoma
General Medicine
- Chronic, degenerative rheumatic illnesses
- Chronic pain in the support or locomotor mechanism
- Chronic neuritis, neuralgia
- Arthrosis (chronic poly arthritis)
- Cervical spine (cervical syndrome)
- Thoracic spine (intercostal neuralgia)
- Lumbar spine (lumbar syndrome)
- Keloid formation around scars
- Sinus problems; circulatory problems
- Peripheral blood circulatory disturbance
- Warts (verrucae), psoriasis by photodynamic therapy (PDT)
- CRPS (Begum Syndrome)
- Chronic rheumatic inflammation (arthritis, visceral rheumatism)
- Chronic, recurring pain syndrome in the spinal region
- Lumbago
- Lumbar sciatica
- Arthritis of the major joints (omarthritis, gonarthritis, coxarthritis)
- Torticollis (muscular wry-neck)
- Muscular headaches
- Shoulder/arm pain
- Progressive, systemic sclerosis
- Source of heating for open care, and at reanimation stations, and during infant care in incubators
- Primary tumour lying near the skin surface, relapses and metastases
- Photodynamic therapy of actinic keratoses and basal cell carcinoma only with the special device “PhotoDyn®750″
Pain relief
- Muscle pain
- Neuropathic pain
- Wound pain
- Fibromyalgia (FMS)