Hilterapia® Intense, deep, safe. Unique.
Hilterapia® is the efficient answer to a therapeutic problem that did not have a solution until just some time ago: how to reach deep tissues safely, without causing thermal damage to the patient?
Many overload, traumatic or degenerative pathologies, such as arthrosis, involve bones, muscles, tendons and articular structures that are deeply located. In order to reach these structures with a laser impulse, very high energetic doses are necessary (the energy in fact weakens in an exponential manner as light “descends”). High energetic doses, however, generate heat that can damage surface tissues.
The solution to this limit was born after long, scrupulous scientific research, integrated by years and years of lasertherapy experience.

The result was the laser impulse named HILT® (High Intensity Laser Therapy) used for Hilterapia® that gives an efficient and completely safe deep therapeutic action. The HILT® impulse was licensed in 2003 in the US. Devices that use it have been cleared by FDA from 2005.
Hilterapia® reaches extremely high peak powers (1-3 kW) with an Nd:YAG pulsed source. The high intensity obtained (up to 15,000 W/cm2), unreachable by other currently available laser techniques, makes it possible to cure also deep chronic injuries efficiently.
A fundamental distinguishing characteristic of the HILT® impulse is its ability to produce a high thermal gradient with a photo mechanical effect. In fact, the entity of these effects is directly proportional to the laser emission intensity and inversely proportional to impulse.
Thanks to the short impulse length and the very high intensity, Hilterapia® possesses the ideal characteristics to generate this phenomenon, which can produce important therapeutic effects.
It is well-known that these kinds of stimuli trigger a series of biological signals that contribute to the tissue mending and regeneration processes; moreover, it activates lymphatic drainage and microcirculation.
Indeed, the HILT® impulse does not come from the mere concept of laser power, but it comes instead from a combination of integrated factors: the vertical supply of energy, which guarantees a deep and instantaneous therapeutic action; the choice of an appropriate wavelength, which optimizes laser-tissue interaction; energetic cession modality, which prefers intensity rather than power; the definition of specific therapeutic protocols, divided into different phases, with local or general actions for pain, oedema, haematoma and DJD (degenerative joint disease) or osteo-arthrosis; the use of specific handpieces that transfer energy to tissues, muscles and joints.
The aim of Hilterapia® is to treat painful pathologies in the osteo-muscle-tendinous apparatus, from those on the surface to the deeper ones; the intensity and energetic impact of the HILT® impulse have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anoendemous effects that support tissue recovery and regeneration.
Therapy that reaches new rehabilitation horizons.
Hilterapia® is for treating the deepest pathologies of the muscle-skeleton apparatus.
It is therefore ideal for coping with arthrosis and all painful and inflammatory pathologies that trouble knees, shoulders, hips, ankles, spine, elbows and hands.
It is used in rehabilitative therapies to recover from sprains, tendinous injuries, tendonitis, bursitis, traumatic outcomes.
Hilterapia® offers a global approach to patient pathology: treatment in fact concerns the whole affected muscular section and is located on trigger points and directly on the pathology itself.
In this manner a simultaneous action is stimulated on the inflammation-oedema-pain triad.
This means that movement damaged by surgery, a trauma or a fracture can be treated efficiently and quickly, allowing the patient a good life quality. It guarantees immediate and perceivable results even with the first application, with an analgesic, myorelaxing, anti-inflammatory and draining effect. These results are validated by numerous clinical studies.
Hilterapia® fights symptom – pain – pathology all at the same time by transferring continually controlled energy deeply and quickly; it supports tissue recovery; it respects tissue thermal relaxation timing to guarantee maximum treatment safety.
The advanced result of our scientific research, the clearest expression of our technology, Hilterapia® is the synonym of efficiency and therapeutic safety.
And also of the patient’s immediate wellbeing.
Main indications: arthrosis and chondropathy; bursitis, epicondylitis, impingement syndrome; tendinitis and tenosynovitis; oedema and hematomas caused by trauma; post-trauma or overload pathologies, muscular lesions and contractures, adductor syndromes, tibia tarsic distorsions, enthesopathy, plantar fasciitis.